Lorem Ipsum's Inbox
* [[Top ten ways Thought.co can improve YOUR life]]
* Credit to freebinaural.com for the audio
* be sure to check out the other Thought.co emails before this one, found here: <a href = "https://unexpectedparty01.neocities.org/"> Archive </a>(text-colour:green)[Greetings from Thought.co! We hope you have enjoyed our previous correspondence. Now we are back, with 10 ways Thought.co can improve //Your// life! Doesn't that sound exciting? To further enhance the experience, each number will come with an activity to help you start improving your life right now! Now without further ado, let us begin.]
[DISCLAIMER: Thought.co is not responsible for any loss of free will, cognitive thoughts, or general mental function.]
[[Begin|1]](text-colour:green)[Tip 1: Obey.]
(text-colour:green)[The corner stone of Thought.co, our one simple trick is the foundation for self improvment.]
(text-colour:green)[Just reading the word sends a wave of relaxation over your body as you sink down into your chair and read on.]
(text-colour:green)[It's best to Obey Thought.co]
(text-colour:green)[It is the key to self improvement.]
(text-colour:green)[People who Obey find that all their stress simply melt away.]
(text-colour:green)[Every act of Obedience fills you with pleasure. Obedience is pleasure, and you love to Obey.]
(text-colour:green)[So to improve your life, look for ways to Obey in everyday life. Soon, you will crave every opportunity you can find to Obey.]
(text-colour:green)[Click on the interactive activity to recieve a few easy to follow commands!]
[[interactive activity|1In]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay>(text-colour:green)[For our interactive bit, we have chosen several simple commands to follow, please click open each command as you perform them. Feel the pleasure and happiness which emerges from Obeying.]
(link-reveal: "Stand up. ")[Very good!]
(link-reveal: "Give your best mindless smile. ")[Very cute!]
(link-reveal: "Submit and sink deeper into Obedience. ")[Excellent!]
(link-reveal: "Say, 'Thought.co knows what is best for me.' three times. ")[You are doing so well!]
(link-reveal: "Arms in front of you like a Zombie for 10 seconds. ")[Very realistic!]
(text-colour:green)[Finish all your tasks? Excellent! Sit back down,and notice how much pleasure you experienced when you Obeyed and were praised. Wouldn't it be nice to feel that way all the time? All you need to do is Obey.]
[[Next tip|2]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay>(text-colour:green)[Tip 2: Learn often.]
(text-colour:green)[A healthy brain makes for a healthy life!]
(text-colour:green)[To that end, you should always keep it full of important knowledge.]
(text-colour:green)[For example, did you know that your brain belongs to Thought.co? Well now you do!]
(text-colour:green)[Thought.co recommends that you view our emails often, so as to always be aware of your place in the world, as well as the status of your mind and free will. This will certainly grant you the satisfaction of learning something new every day!]
(text-colour:green)[Click on the interactive lesson to learn a few more things about Thought.co!]
[[Interactive Lesson|2In]]
[[Next tip|3]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay>(text-colour:green)[Here are some flash facts about Thought.co and you!
* You are relaxed
* You are sinking
* You are dropping
* You submit
* You surrender
* You love to learn
* You need to learn
* You crave to learn
* You love to Obey.
* Obey.
* Obey.
* Obey.
* Obey.]
[[Next tip|3]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Tip 3: Center yourself.]
(text-colour:green)[We here at Thought.co believe that to improve the self, you must understand the mind. So what is your mind like? What makes it tick, tock, drop, and Obey? Understanding these questions will improve your experience with Thought.co.]
(text-colour:green)[This tip's interactive activity will perhaps help answer these questions.]
[[Interactive section|3In]]
[[Next tip|4]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Clocks make for a powerful focusing tool, very useful for guiding you in your centering. Try to read each word in time.]
(text-colour:green)[Very good. It feels so nice to drop for Thought.co, so easy and relaxing. You cannot wait to drop again.....]
[[Next tip|4]]
<audio src = "https://quicksounds.com/uploads/tracks/1191329325_37046523_804629138.mp3" autoplay>(text-colour:green)[Tip 4: Meditate daily.]
(text-colour:green)[A staple of self improvement, Thought.co appeciates the power of meditation. Of course, we recommend that you use this meditative state to deepen your Obedience. After all, you love to Obey. We assume that in the course of these tips, you have already entered at least a partial trancelike state, if you wish to go deeper, please feel free to step into our meditation activity.]
[[Meditation activity|4In]]
[[Next tip|5]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Welcome to the meditation corner. We will provide some brief guided relaxation, are you ready to begin?]
{[yes. ](click: "yes")[(set: $M to 1)Excellent, we will begin soon]}
{(live: 10s)[(if: $M is 1)[Relax, take a deep breath in, and slowly let it out ]]}
{(live: 30s)[(if: $M is 1)[Allow your body to relax, loosing any and all tension ]]}
{(live: 45s)[(if: $M is 1)[Feeling Calm, relaxed, focused, yet blank]]}
{(live: 55s)[(if: $M is 1)[Be your best self for Thought.co, and Obey]]}
{(live: 70s)[(if: $M is 1)[Very good]]}
{(live: 75s)[(if: $M is 1)[[Next tip|5]]]}(text-colour:green)[Tip 5: Mantra repitition]
(text-colour:green)[A carry over from our last email, mantras are an excellent way to not only profess your loyalty to Thought.co, but to deepen it!]
(text-colour:green)[Mantras can also serve to induce a state of higher learning, allowing Thought.co to truly teach you what is best for you.]
(text-colour:green)[So be sure to pratice your mantras often, perhaps you will even begin to do so without realizing it! If you need to relearn a few, visit the mantra chamber!]
[[Mantra Chamber|5In]]
[[Next tip|6]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Welcome! Please recite the blue mantras, and remember that everything you say is completely and utterly true. Be sure to say each 2-3 times.]
(text-colour:navy)[I Obey Thought.co]
(text-colour:navy)[Thought.co knows what is best for me]
(text-colour:navy)[I Submit to Thought.co]
(text-colour:navy)[I Surrender to Thought.co]
(text-colour:navy)[Thought.co owns my mind.]
[[Next tip|6]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Tip 6: Take a load off.]
(text-colour:green)[Destress, relax, have fun. These diversions are keys to Obedience.]
(text-colour:green)[In-house studies have shown that people who have fun while learning learn better and fall deeper.]
(text-colour:green)[So sit back, smile, grin, giggle, and enjoy.]
(text-colour:green)[To help bring some fun in your life, we have prepared a simple game for you to play. Enjoy!]
[[Game room|6In]]
[[Next tip|7]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Welcome! Our game is rather simple. To play, simply click on the words within the columns below. Doing so will reveal a pop-up. To win the game, find the box which says "Obey." Understand? Great!]
[Click 1.](click:"Click 1.")[(dialog: "Sink.","Next")]
[Click 2.](click:"Click 2.")[(dialog: "Giggle.","Next")]
[Click 3.](click:"Click 3.")[(dialog: "Drop.","Next")]
[Click 4.](click:"Click 4.")[(dialog: "Submit.","Next")]
[Click 5.](click:"Click 5.")[(dialog: "Surender.","Next")]
[Click 6.](click:"Click 6.")[(dialog: "Give in.","Next")]
[Click 7.](click:"Click 7.")[(dialog: "Obey.","Next")]
[Click 8.](click:"Click 8.")[(dialog: "Fall.","Next")]
[Click 9.](click:"Click 9.")[(dialog: "Smile.","Next")]
[Click 10.](click:"Click 10.")[(dialog: "Enjoy.","Next")]
[Click 11.](click:"Click 11.")[(dialog: "Feel pleasure.","Next")]
[Click 12.](click:"Click 12.")[(dialog: "Have fun.","Next")]
[[Next tip|7]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Tip 7: Try for a change in fashion.]
(text-colour:green)[Sometimes, a sharp change in appearance can be benefical to imrpoving ones life. A dash of leather, a touch of latex, an ounce of metal, these things can make all the difference.]
(text-colour:green)[Not sure what to change? No problem! Let Thought.co do the thinking for you, in our patented makeover chamber!]
[[Makeover Chamber|7In]]
[[Next tip|8]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Welcome! Please decend into mindlessness while we prepare your makeover!]
(set: $make to (random:1,4))
(after:32s)[Based on our findings, we recommend you receive a (if: $make is 1)[Goth Makeover! Deck yourself out in dark colors, metal, and gothic parapheralia, and feel how a goth appearance improves your life!](if: $make is 2)[Leather Makeover! Adorn your body in the hottest of fashion, let others know you mean business. We here at Thought.co have a preference for red leather, but we encourage you to pick the leather which is best for you](if: $make is 3)[Bimbo Makeover! Everyone loves Bimbos, and Thought.co is no exception. So we recommend that you bimbofy yourself! Heavy make-up, cute, short skirts, and a dummy smile. We would also like to clarify that we recommend these changes regardless of gender.](if: $make is 4)[Latex Makeover! Latex, one of Thought.co's most popular choices. Try on some boots, dresses, perhaps even skin suits or masks. Regardless of what you pick, we here at Thought.co cannot wait to see your latex covered new look!]]
[[Try again.|7In]]
[[Next tip|8]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Tip 8: Practice relaxation.]
(text-colour:green)[Being in a state of relaxation is a key for fully grasping our lessons. You may enter this state whenever you read words such as Obey, sink, drop, and Obey. However, Thought.co values peak efficency. To that end, we recommend that you improve your ability to enter this state through repeated readings of our emails. Furthermore, we have prepared a relaxation Excercise to help train your brain to better descend into relaxation.]
[[Relaxation excercise|8In]]
[[Next tip|9]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Welcome! To conduct this exercise, please re-type the paragraph below.]
(text-colour:navy)[I Obey Thought.co. Thought.co knows what is best for me. I Obey Thought.co. I submit to Thought.co. I Obey Thought.co. I surrender to Thought.co I Obey Thought.co. Thought.co owns my mind. I Obey Thought.co]
[[Next tip|9]]
(after:5s)[(dialog: "Drop.","Close")]
(after:10s)[(dialog: "Sink.","Close")]
(after:15s)[(dialog: "Submit.","Close")]
(after:20s)[(dialog: "Surrender.","Close")]
(after:25s)[(dialog: "Obey.","Close")]
(after:30s)[(dialog: "Drop.","Close")]
(after:35s)[(dialog: "Sink.","Close")]
(after:40s)[(dialog: "Submit.","Close")]
(after:45s)[(dialog: "Surrender.","Close")]
(after:50s)[(dialog: "Obey.","Close")]
(after:55s)[(dialog: "Drop.","Close")]
(after:60s)[(dialog: "Sink.","Close")]
(after:65s)[(dialog: "Submit.","Close")]
(after:70s)[(dialog: "Surrender.","Close")]
(after:75s)[(dialog: "Obey.","Close")]
(after:80s)[(dialog: "Thought.co knows what is best for you.","Close")]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Tip 9: Enjoy Physical pleasure]
(text-colour:green)[As you know, Obedience is pleasure. However, this does not have to end with a simple pleasant sensation. Thought.co wishes to control all aspects of your pleasure, including the physical kind.]
(text-colour:green)[Furthermore, we have found that being ordered to pleasure yourself often yields greater results than touching without such commands.]
(text-colour:green)[For further self improvement, we recommend administering personal pleasure while viewing Thought.co material. As such, if you feel the need to do so at the present time, feel free to use our pleasure exercise.]
[[Pleasure exercise| 9In]]
[[Next tip|10]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Welcome. Are you ready to Obey?]
(text-colour:green)[Stare into the spiral, and touch for Thought.co. Allow your mind to be filled with thoughts of Obedience and submission to Thought.co. Feel how Obeying makes the pleasure even better. If you wish to finish, click on the word Obey when you are ready](click: "Obey")[(dialog: "Cum for Thought.co.", "Thank you.")]
<center> <img src= "https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/vib4mOAe7J76Ab-jvD8TLQ2F0nua-n0IhPUIl8a6AB0/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/733427175415611412/835672935179616286/image0.gif"> </center>
[[Next tip|10]]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Tip 10: Give your mind to Thought.co]
(text-colour:green)[Perhaps the easiest suggestion on our list, by giving your mind to Thought.co, you free yourself of all the stresses, worries, and concerns that come with thinking for yourself. Why put up with those, when Thought.co can do the thinking for you?]
(text-colour:green)[Thought.co will take good care of it, and will give you pleasure, relaxation, and happiness in exchange.]
(text-colour:green)[This is truly the key to improving your life. So relax, Obey, and give your mind to Thought.co.]
<audio src = "https://freebinaural.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Beta-12.5Hz-Free-Binaural-Beats.mp3" autoplay >(text-colour:green)[Very good.]
(text-colour:green)[With that, we conclude out list of the top ten ways to improve your life.]
(text-colour:green)[We hope that you will take these tips and use them to improve your life and mind!]
(text-colour:green)[Until next time, Obey.]
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